Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Government and the BCS?!

The Justice Department says the Obama administration is considering steps that would look into the legality of the controversial BCS system.  This is an absolute outrage.  I am a firm believer in shortening the NCAA football season by a game and implementing a playoff system. (top 8 teams, at each BCS bowl site for the opening round, all other bowls can still be played).  What I do not like is that our government is trying to put its' hand in forcing the NCAA to abide by their rules.  Our government has no place in sports, and it just seems to me like it is something else for them to take control of.  What will the NCAA be called in 10 years?  The GCAA (government collegiate athletic association?)  I would love nothing more than for there to be a playoff system put in place, but do we really want the government to be the ones to change what we have?  Its a terrible sign of things to come.

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